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Archaeological tenders Rijkswaterstaat, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

Jan Dijkstra

Updates and information

For a uniform approach in archaeological heritage tenders carried out by Rijkswaterstaat, work packages have been drafted to carry out desk-based assessments and archaeological field evaluations (augering, test trenches) on land and field survey for sediment under and above water. In addition, requirement specifications for archaeology and cultural history in a model contract have been updated. Also, a webpage regarding archaeological heritage and tenders has been drafted, consisting of background information about heritage management and tenders in relation to the procurement process. 

More archaeological tenders

Purchasing archaeological research requires a customized approach

Knowledge and experience

D7 archaeology has years of experience with tenders for archaeological research on behalf of municipalities, the national government and third parties for the development of residential areas (Culemborg Parijsch, Ewijk Ecowieck) and large-scale infrastructure such as the Betuweroute and the Hanzelijn railways. The knowledge is kept up to date through association with the Commission of Procurement Experts of the Ministry of Economic Affairs as an archaeology expert.


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